Photoshop High - End Skin Retouching Tutorial

Hello Friends 😍

Welcome to another article, in this article I will show you how to do High - End Skin Retouching In Photoshop.

Look at the photo, 

Photoshop High - End Skin Retouching Tutorial
Photoshop High - End Skin Retouching Tutorial 

If you want to Smooth your photo like this, simply read this article & follow this steps. I hope you will be known a proper idea about Photoshop High - End Skin Retouching

Skin Retouching or Skin Smoothing is most important for all of the photo editor. Face was the main part of a photo, so every professional photo editor edit a photos face properly carefully for a better output of his work. 

Lets go & start this Photoshop Skin Editing Tutorial.

Follow The Simple Steps Below:

1. Copy your photo leyer.

face retouching tutorial, photoshop tutorial, face smoothing

2. Chenge the copy leyer blending mode.

Follow this screenshot click on normal & select > vivid light.

photoshop tutorials, face smooth,

3. Then invert it useing (CTRL+I) this keyboard shortcut.

skin retouching tutorial, image face smoothing

4. Then go to filter 

> use other> then use High Pass

photoshop for beginners, face smoothing tutorials

Don't use High Pass with Higher level, Use it a little bit.

Or, adjust it according with your photo, if you see the skin of the edited photo are looking good then press OK.

I used for this photo - ( 32 )

photo editing tutorials for beginners, face smoothing tutorials

5. Then go again filter 

then go to blur selection and apply gorshiyan blur.

skin retouching tutorial, image face editing, shamimeditz

6. Then adjust with your photo. 

Remember use it with little amount. I use it according  2px.

photoshop tutorials for beginners, face editing

7. Then click this leyer and apply leyer mask

Then fill leyer mask with black color .

face smoothing tutorials, shamimeditz

8. Then go to color selection tool in your photoshop  

apply forground color in white.

9. Then take a normal brush in brush library in your Photoshop

Editing Tutorial, face smoothing

Adjust brush hardness > 0%

Then adjust opacity and flow > 100%

adobe photoshop, photo editing

10. Then paint/ brush your skin, 

it will be smooth your photo face easily. 

adobe photoshop, photo editing for beginners

If you do this process slowly and carefully you got a good result 

high end editing, photo edit, shamim editz

Photoshop Skin Retouching Tutorial is now finished. If you think this article was helpful for you, please write a small comment and motivated me to write a new post for you. 

Thanks 👍

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